Dexion and Arilog have decided to join forces again and repeat the storage logistics event bringing more invitees, approaching more subjects as well as featuring a whole new range of innovative storage and handling systems.
We invite you on the 11th of March 2014 in Rasnov, Brasov country to rejoin the specialists of the storage systems industry.
Subjects that will be addressed during the event:

- The human resource versus automated systems
- Trends in the storage systems industry
- Rack inspection – early spotting of the details that can cause damage
- Open discussion: Identifying the future needs in the field of warehouse logistics
- You are also welcome to suggest new subjects that can be discussed during this meeting
As part of the event you will be able to take a tour of the Dexion factory, one of the most important storage systems manufacturing facilities in Central and Eastern Europe and you will be able to see and test a range of innovative goods storage and handling products.
Dexion has been present in Romania since 2006, during which time it has become one of the SE Europe’s leaders in the field of designing, manufacturing and selling various storage systems, from pallet racking to archiving solutions. Dexion offers both storage solutions manufactured in the Romanian factory as well as from Group factories in the Netherlands, Finland and Germany.
For more information, please visit
The Romanian Logistics Association - ARILOG is a non-profit, voluntary, professional and educational association that wishes to promote and develop the Logistics and Supply Chain science and techniques in all Romanian companies, regardless of the industry as well as to increase its visibility in the Romanian and international economic landscape.
In order to reserve your spot at the event, we invite you to send an E-mail with your contact details and the number of needed spots at